
Showing posts from July, 2023

Less is More...

Minimalism.... I am sure you have heard this term. Nowadays, some people also call themselves a  Minimalist.  Let's explore this buzzword.  Simply speaking, Minimalism is  owning fewer things . Owning only the stuff that you  actually need.  The overarching idea is "Less is more". When I read about minimalism, I felt a sense of familiarity with this concept and the familiarity comes from my family. My mother has never been a hoarder. Since my childhood, I have been seeing her giving away stuff to people (both out of kindness as well as to de-clutter). I used to fight with my mother for giving away my clothes to people without my permission. The immature me did not realize that had she sought my permission, I would have never allowed to give away that shirt lying in the closet unused since past 3 years! Growing up, when I started living on my own, I realized that my mother's minimalism was not only environment friendly but also a necessity for me.  If you are new to th