
Showing posts from August, 2023

Are we insignificant?

Astrophysics has both baffled as well enlightened me. We all know that this universe is vast. In fact, vast may not be the right word as vast is measurable. This universe is infinite and ever expanding. We are part of the Milky way galaxy which is not the only one out there. There are countless galaxies like ours. Amazingly, we don't know yet the number of stars and planets in our own galaxy. We know a bit about Sun, our very own star. It is huge. Its diameter is 1.3 million kms and it can house hundreds of earths in its sphere! Thats mind boggling considering we find earth itself so huge. And then there are those millions of galaxies outside of earth and outside of our solar system. The question is what lies there and how far does it go? It is said that space is largely an empty dark matter. Except few incidents of stars collapsing or asteroids moving around when they lose gravitational force, there is not much daily action up there. Stars form and they can take billions of years