
Showing posts from March, 2023

Career mistakes to avoid!

If you are someone looking to build a long term (fairly successful) career in corporate world, then this blog is for you. I have spent more than a decade in corporate life trying to build a career. Sadly, most of time was spent in correcting the past mistakes 😀. In the hope that you don't make the same mistakes, I am sharing below some of my learnings:  Passion is overrated: You may be very passionate about your job, career and even the company you work for. But the harsh reality of life is - you are just a number in their vast ocean. You would be replaced within a maximum of 90 days if you were dead today. So is it worth being passionate for your company? The answer is a Yes and a No. Let me explain. If you are passionate about your work, chances are very high that you would be exceeding expectations of the management and resultantly you can expect promotions, increments, etc. Here your passion plays a positive role in your success. Flip side is you are still a number and very re

Most effective productivity hacks and time management tips!

Since this blog post is essentially about time management, let me jump straight to the point without wasting any time 😃 Scrap To-do lists: Anybody who has been in the corporate life knows that the To-do lists are like endlessly busy conveyor belts. The more you clear, the more it builds up. Remember the popular example of King Sisyphus in Greek mythology. The King gets a punishment for life - he has to push a large boulder upwards only to see it rolling downwards again. To-do list is that big boulder. So please take my advice, tear it off or delete (if you work on a digital version). 

Power of Karma

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।  मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥ You only have the right to action (karma) not the right to its fruits. Don't let the fruits be your motivation to perform action. Be attached to Karma, not to its fruits.  How could one perform action without expecting fruits. Let me try to explain why focusing on Karma (Actions) is the best strategy: Control is a delusion:  We are presented with numerous situations in life when we cannot control outcomes. Acts done with the best of intentions may also not lead to expected outcomes. You may go out of your way and lend financial help to a friend / relative only to realize later that you were being played. Does that mean you should not have been kind? No. Don't let the good Samaritan in you die but take the lesson from this and be smarter next time to not be played easily. In the end, we can't control the end result,  but we can control what we learn from the experiences.  You get what you deserv