Most effective productivity hacks and time management tips!

Since this blog post is essentially about time management, let me jump straight to the point without wasting any time 😃
  1. Scrap To-do lists: Anybody who has been in the corporate life knows that the To-do lists are like endlessly busy conveyor belts. The more you clear, the more it builds up. Remember the popular example of King Sisyphus in Greek mythology. The King gets a punishment for life - he has to push a large boulder upwards only to see it rolling downwards again. To-do list is that big boulder. So please take my advice, tear it off or delete (if you work on a digital version). 

  2. Time boxing: The best alternative to a To-do list is a technique called time boxing. Simply speaking, in time boxing you allot in advance a fixed (maximum) time on each of the tasks and then complete the task during that allotted time. If you are a working professional, block your own calendar for each of the tasks and when the calendar notification pops up, go ahead and start working on the task. By pre committing time to the task, you have freed up your mind from having to remember it and procrastinate over it. You might ask what if I can't complete the task at the committed time and need to reschedule. If that's the case, don't hesitate to reschedule but commit yourself to work on the task at the rescheduled time. 
  3. Digital detox: I can't stress enough on this. However much cliched this will sound, but if you haven't taken this seriously or worse have never tried a digital detox then you are missing out on achieving your full potential. Social media is designed to grab your attention, that very attention that is needed to learn a new skill, work on a long pending important goal, mend the dying relationship with your loved one and so much more. Contrary to popular belief, getting an account on social media platforms is not free. You are gifting away your finite time on earth to these global giants and in return, only getting more anxious, overwhelmed and depressed. Not a fair game at all. I suggest you start with small batches of detox instead of going full on. Don't look at your phone, TV, laptop during the first two hours of waking up. During weekends, keep your phone switched off for couple of hours to start with and gradually increase the time as you get comfortable with detox. Less exposure to technology will automatically make you more relaxed and focused. 
  4. Four-hour Deep Work: Various studies have indicated that we can be actually productive only for a maximum of four hours in a day. The 8-hour workday, while a reality, is flawed by design as the employee productivity is limited to only four hours a day. The idea is also based on the premise that the four hours are actual productive hours where the creative juices flow at their peak, also called Deep Work. Rest of the time is more suited for shallow work. In my experience, four hours of deep focused cognitive work is far more satisfying and fulfilling than 8 hours of distracted work through the day. I will write a detailed blog post on how to achieve deep work. 
  5. Let bad things happen: When we try to prioritize one task or goal over another, we also feel a sense of guilt and anxiety on not being able to fit everything in. This is unnecessary. You have a finite span of attention, energy and time. Please accept that you can't fit everything in and don't need to. Know when good is good enough.  In the process, what you de-prioritize may get neglected, delayed or altogether missed but let it happen. It is okay to let small bad things happen in exchange of doing certain big important things.  
  6. Shutdown by 5:30: Try to shut down your work by 5:30. When I say this, I don't mean a passive half-hearted try. With all your determination and might, commit to yourself before starting your work day that you will wind up by 5:30 pm and beyond that your brain and your computer will stop working. When you work backwards with this deadline in mind, you will automatically be more efficient and productive and by the end of the day, you will be surprised to note how much more you have achieved and finished off. 
  7. Shutdown ritual: As you wind up your day at 5:30 pm, spend a relaxed focused 10 minutes to plan your next day which I call a "Shutdown ritual"- do time boxing, mentally allocate time for leisure activities and allocate some time to do nothing. That is right! Spend at least 15 minutes doing nothing, this will help you recharge your batteries for the day ahead. Once you have completed the shutdown ritual, make sure that you completely shut down your mind from work. No after office email check, no mental replays of the day. Do a complete shutdown. 
  8. Prioritize knowledge: In today's day and age, we are overwhelmed with information but starved of knowledge. Mediocrity is celebrated. Please don't get into the trap of patting yourself on the back on being applauded by a group of people who are in awe of your accomplishments. You have a higher potential to achieve, focus on that and keep the knowledge reservoir open at all times. 
I hope this blogpost brings a positive change in your life. 

Thank you so much for reading. Remember to always be brave and kind!

Follow me on Gudiya Ki Duniya ( for more on life, love and fitness. 


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