What is the purpose of your life?

Have you ever asked this question to yourself? If you have, congratulations! You are on the path to some very interesting discoveries. However, if you have never bothered about this question and now this blog has created a teeny-tiny curiosity in you, then I will try to help you with some answers. 

What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? What are we meant for? 

I have pondered over these questions numerous times in my own life and in the process of finding answers, I became a seeker. I read a number of books, scriptures and also discussed this at length with some very learned souls around me. I seem to have finally found the answer. But I do want to specify that this is my conclusion and may not necessarily be yours. I truly believe that knowledge of existence comes to us when we are ready (both mentally and physically). Hence if this blog doesn't strike a chord with you then there could be two reasons - either I have not explained this with words as well enough as I have understood this with experience, or you may not be ready to receive this knowledge at this point in time. Apologies in advance, if it turns out to be the first reason. But I am going to try my best to explain my point.    

According to me, life doesn't have any purpose. Life is just meant to be lived. You have come here in this life to only take experiences. Experiences could be good, bad, ugly depending on how we perceive the situations but in reality, our perception of the world has got nothing to do with our existence or purpose. There is no purpose. A single sperm has to take a very long and difficult journey to become an egg and from an egg to be born in this world is in itself a miracle! You and I are living miracles and so are the humongous number of other living creatures. We have taken birth in this body to go through the motions of life like other creatures. It will not make any difference to us or to anyone if our lives' purpose is not known. 

Think of life like this - you are currently breathing (note your chest swelling up and contracting). In this very present moment, just experience the breath. Now add the flavor of outside world, what do you see? what do you hear? Just look at what is in front of you with full attention. Hear each and every sound that is around you without judging. That's it! This is all that is to life. If you think there is one big purpose of your life that is waiting to be discovered, you will be very disappointed with your life if not now, later. When you look for that single big overarching purpose, you end up discounting and devaluing the present moment and look for a future gratification. And who has seen the future. If a man was supposed to know the future then nature would have created him thus. 

We only have the present moment in our control. What we choose to do with it is in our hands. So start there and experiment with as many things as you like till you find something that you truly enjoy. Don't fret. Don't fear new possibilities. Live fully because you have come here to experience. There is no Profit and loss account of life. Every experience lived truly and accepted heartily will bring you closer to the life itself. With multiple varied experiences, you will become fearless one day and this will lead to a domino effect of a truly whole life. 

If you love someone, love fearlessly. Love them for the sake of love and not for anything else. If it breaks your heart, smile and soak into the experience of heart ache. Trust me, the ache won't stay forever but the experience of being in a true love will be unbeatable. 

If you like working, don't listen to the nonsense of work life balance being preached day and night. If you truly love your work, worship it, play with it, take risks and be bold. Experiment with your strategies. Worst thing that can happen is you will lose money or your job. Don't worry about it. The loss is temporary but the learnings from a failed venture would be priceless. Keep your chin up and continue working for what you love. 

Are you trying to be perfect? Let me tell you - you are already perfect. You are wasting your time trying to be perfect at work, home and elsewhere. Everything that has been created by the Creator is perfect. It is exactly the way it is supposed to be. Wherever you are, you are supposed to be exactly there. Nothing that has happened in your life could have happened in any other way. None of us can control what happens and what will happen. Realize this. Your past is history, what you have in your present is your only chance to try and rewrite your future. Again, that comes with no guarantees, but you will be able to at least pat yourself on the back that you acted with awareness and bravery. 

There are five senses that we have. These senses largely control our feelings and emotions. If you feel pain, the pain triggers your brain to take action and alleviate the pain. Does that mean it is wrong to feel pain? Not at all. Pain will be there as long as we live, it is a part of life. How we react to this pain is all that matters. I am reminded of a very good analogy presented in one of the episodes of the famous series "Modern Love". A young pregnant woman was given the option to go through cesarean instead of a normal delivery as her baby was taking far too long to come out. She, in that moment of extreme pain and agony, chose a normal delivery over C-sec. Not for the sake of the child or for her own health or motherly love. She made this choice as she wanted to fully experience this moment of giving birth in its wholesome glory and pain. What a wonderful thought and what a wonderful way to experience pain positively.  

Life is truly lived only when it is truly embraced with all that comes with it. Hence do yourself a favor and stop looking for that elusive 'purpose' of life. Life is here, life is now. Countless opportunities and experiences await you. Are you brave enough to take the plunge?  


Thanks for reading! Always be brave and kind!

Follow me on Gudiya Ki Duniya (gudiyakiduniya8.blogspot.com) for more on life, love and fitness.



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