Mind matters

It feels like ages since I wrote though I didn't miss much. Since the time I started writing blogs, it's been clear to me that I will not be writing for the sake of it. I will not write under pressure to create or be around in people's memories. I will write only when I want to write and when I have something to share.   

It is perfectly fine if some of you have forgotten me 😀. As I grow old, I am realizing that I care less and less about people's views and opinions of me. Having said that, it doesn't mean that I don't feel hurt. I do. But I guess the maturity is to make ourselves aware of the hurt and then realize that the hurt is only an illusion of mind. Which brings me to the topic of today's blog - "Mind". 

We have been told that we have a monkey mind (which is not entirely false). However, words matter. 'Monkey' is a negative adjective to describe minds. This needs to change. 

Our minds are actually a powerhouse of thoughts. Amongst all the known species on planet earth, human beings are the only ones endowed with the power of thoughts. We can think and then we can create based on our thoughts. Our mind plays a very important role in culminating thoughts. Our mind is actually our best friend. Like a bestie, it chatters continuously, keeps us busy, tells us when to fear, when to sleep, when to act, when to react. It protects us, guides us, makes us feel all the emotions. 

And since we spend all our time in our mind, it is only logical that we befriend this guy rather than hating upon it. Unfortunately, a number of self help books and few spiritual gurus are nowadays misguiding people. Words like tame, control, suppress are being used for the mind as if it's a wild dangerous animal. It is not! In fact, it will go wild one day if we try to tame it. 

A more effective and efficient method is to have a dialogue with the mind. Speak to your mind as if it's a person. For instance, when you are working, your mind may tell you to stop the work and go out to enjoy. In such situations, instead of reprimanding yourself, have a constructive dialogue in your head with the mind. Ask it - 'what will you gain if I go out? if you want me to go out, then fine. Let's stop working for the next few days and just keep enjoying'. As soon as you put out the reasons and consequences of the action in front of your mind, it will stop that chatter, and it will positively encourage you on the path that is right for you. Slowly and gradually, the mind will become your friend and it will operate on an auto pilot mode to guide you in all situations. Conflicts in the mind will reduce and eventually disappear. Your thoughts will be aligned with your value system and that will reflect in your actions.  

As is mentioned in our scriptures, if there is a choice available, we should always choose the highest level of Karma (कर्म). This choice is almost always driven by our mind and the thoughts in it. May you make the right choice!

Thanks for reading! Always be brave and kind!

Follow me on Gudiya Ki Duniya (gudiyakiduniya8.blogspot.com) for more on life, love and fitness.


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