10 ways to NOT DIE

Is living hard for you? Read on!

One might argue why is death such a big deal, after all we are all supposed to die one day. Well, that's a big yes. But does that mean that we should stop breathing in fresh air, or stop having our favorite cup of coffee or stop laughing? In short, should we just stop living because what is the point of living?

If you are one of those who has come online looking for reasons to not die, then let me try to help you.

  1. Life is Hard - Yes, it is. And for those who say it isn't...they have either cracked the code to stay eternally happy or they are simply lying. Living life wasn't easy for the Hindu Gods as well. Remember Krishna crying a river on seeing the injured feet of his best friend Sudama? Rama had to endure separation from his beloved Sita when she decided to immolate herself. They didn't find it easy to take a human birth and live and they were Gods. So start by congratulating yourself for  coming this far and living your life.
  2. Happiness is personal: Know that happiness is not an absolute parameter. You cannot compare your happiness with your peers, friends, parents or anyone else on the earth. Happiness is personal to you. What is it that you like doing? What gives you joy, laughter, peace. It may sound easy but stop comparing your happiness or sadness, for that matter, with another being.
  3. Slow and Steady wins the race: I know you have heard this before - Wake up at 5 AM for the next 21 days and you will develop a lifelong habit. But does this work? Sorry to burst the bubble...but this is truly a myth. You don't need to push yourself to wake up at 5 AM if you don't feel like. You are in a precarious stage right now, allow your body and mind to cope with the current circumstances. Be gentle with yourself.
  4. Inner circle: They say parents know more about us than we think they know about us. And if that's the case your parents have likely figured out that you are not in the best shape of mind. This may hold true for your best friends as well. Does that mean we need to hide our face in shame? Not at all. They are probably reaching out in their own ways and trying to help. You don't need to take their help or confide in them if you don't want to. But don't cut your communication with them. If they didn't mean well, they would have abandoned you by now. So know this, they are your inner circle and they love you. Keep reminding yourself that you are loved.
  5. Imagine your best version: The idea may seem stupid at this time when you are probably looking terrible in the mirror. But take a pause, close your eyes and imagine your happy version. Picture yourself....What are the clothes you are wearing, your earrings, your hair, your smile, your eyes. The vision, at first, may give you tears. But it will also give you HOPE

  6. Body cleansing: They say physical activities likes sports, exercises, etc. can rewire the brain. There is no way to know if this is true unless you try. You will find this hard, but DO THIS nevertheless. You can start with simple stretches and slowly push your body each day. Remember consistency is more important than intensity of the exercise.
  7. Food for the mind: So what do you feed into your mind? Are you consuming some negative, depressing content on OTT platforms? Are you spending time looking at your ex-boyfriend's "happy" social media posts? Did you just mindlessly browse your YouTube app. Be sure that you are feeding your mind with garbage. And remember GIGO (Garbage in garbage out). Give your mind a break from these things for just 7 days and see how you feel. might sound hard...but common you can do this!
  8. Cry: Tears are NOT a sign of weakness. So cry as much as you want to. Cry a river if you wish! And hopefully then one day you will get tired of crying. Your body will feel lighter and the heaviness in chest that you constantly felt would be gone!
  9. Remember Dory: So why are we born in this world? What is our purpose? The answer is not easy. Spirituality has brought answers to some people. But not all have been lucky. So what does one do when the purpose is not clear. Remember "Dory" from "Finding Nemo" who said "Keep Swimming". Yes, just do that. Just keep living your life and you shall find what you seek!
  10. You are not the only one! : A lot of times we feel we are the only ones going through pain. While our pain is personal and only we know it, there are others who are also in some or other pain. Does this mean they have stopped living their lives. No! Give a moment to think about your house helps for example. Is their life easy? No one's life is easy. Everybody is dealing with their own hardships. So brace up , remember you are not alone and enjoy the gift of life. 

If you are someone who has been battling mental health issues for a long time, please give a thought to seeking professional help.

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