
Showing posts from June, 2022

5 Yogasanas for beginners

The term ' yogasana'  is traditionally referred to as a sitting posture during meditation sessions. However, in the modern yoga, this term more popularly signifies any type of body pose (sitting, reclining, twisting, etc.) during a yoga session. On this International Yoga Day, I want to share with you five simple yogasanas that you can incorporate in your daily exercise cum meditation routine. These are not only simple but also highly effective for overall mental and physical health. And if you are completely new to Yoga or any kind of exercise, these asanas will provide you the much-needed start to your fitness journey. Without further ado, let’s get started:  Anulom Vilom Pranayama (alternate nostril breathing):  Prana means “life or energy” and yama means “restraint/control”. Simply speaking, this exercise is all about breath control. In this asana, you breathe in from one nostril and breathe out from another. This beautiful asana will help you  destress you

It's about Time - 180 days to go!

William Penn once said " Time is what we want most, but what we use worst ".  I plead guilty to this a one hundred per cent. Half of 2022 is already over and I have managed to achieve almost no progress on my New year resolutions. I have been  so called 'busy' living my life which is basically - Work, Eat, Sleep, Repeat.  But it's about time that I start valuing time. Starting today, I have made up my mind to look towards the future and make the most of my present. Here are some goals that I think are practical and achievable for me in the next 180 days : Eat Right: I am quite proud of all the work that I have done on my body since the last few months. And while I am quite happy with my workout routine and food habits in general, I also know that there is more that I can achieve especially when it comes to eating right. Here's what I plan to do: Stick to only one cup of Tea / Coffee a day Reduce sugar intake each day and aim to go sugar free on tea/coffee by y

10 reasons why you are not making friends

Ever wondered why some people find your vibes negative or repulsive. You met some one and feel eager to meet person again but you don't seem to be getting the same enthusiastic response?  Well, not everyone is meant to be a part of your circle, but it is also worth knowing if you are unknowingly repulsing someone: I, me and myself: Replay the last conversation with a friend or an acquaintance in your mind. How much do you think you got to know about the other person or his/her life. Very less? Be sure you have focusing too much on yourself and nobody likes to mingle with a narcissist. Best to focus on "We". Eye contact:  Do you keep moving your eyes around to see the surroundings while listening to people? Don't do this. Your eye movement will only distract the speaker and he/she might interpret that as your lack of interest in the conversation.  Hygiene:  While some people in your life may have accepted your lack of regard for hygiene, don't expect this from othe

Too much pain? - Try LOL

There is no denying that making people laugh is one of the hardest things to do in the world. Those who dismiss the comedians as nobodys should be made to stand in front of a crowd and asked to make a joke without making a joke of themselves!  But we don't have to always go for a comedy show or a movie to laugh. There are enough people around us who can knowingly or unknowingly make us laugh. Taking the example of my elder sibling who has a very natural sense of humor. Which obviously made her more popular and, in comparison, made me being titled as boring :(   No prizes for guessing who was the favorite child in all the social gatherings. I remember the time when we visited our native place during summer vacations. All the kid cousins would come out to greet and say a very enthusiastic Hiiiiiiiiiiiii (to the power of infinity) to my sister. And there will be a sudden drop of energy (likely a drop by 20000 ft) when the Hi would come to me..Huh!  Ok...So she has always been mo