It's about Time - 180 days to go!

William Penn once said "Time is what we want most, but what we use worst". 

I plead guilty to this a one hundred per cent. Half of 2022 is already over and I have managed to achieve almost no progress on my New year resolutions. I have been  so called 'busy' living my life which is basically - Work, Eat, Sleep, Repeat. 

But it's about time that I start valuing time. Starting today, I have made up my mind to look towards the future and make the most of my present. Here are some goals that I think are practical and achievable for me in the next 180 days :

  1. Eat Right: I am quite proud of all the work that I have done on my body since the last few months. And while I am quite happy with my workout routine and food habits in general, I also know that there is more that I can achieve especially when it comes to eating right. Here's what I plan to do:
    • Stick to only one cup of Tea / Coffee a day
    • Reduce sugar intake each day and aim to go sugar free on tea/coffee by year end
    • Add more fruits and salads to the diet (I am very behind on this and I hate salads)
    • Reduce gluten intake and move towards healthier grains
    • Fast once a week (This one's going to be hard!) 
    • Consume seasonal pickles  - I have struggled with the taste of pickles for as long as can remember. But I do realize that they are very important for the overall immunity. So I am going to give this a serious go this year!
  2. Reading: I used to be an avid reader at one point in time. I had a brilliant average of one book per week. But thanks to my lazy side succumbing to the binge-worthy content on TV, I ended up spending lesser and lesser time with books. In the last six months, I managed to read up just three books which is quite shameful. Looking ahead though, I plan to read up at least 6 books in the next 6 months. Yes, I know what you are thinking - That's too easy! It might be easy for you but believe me with the busy lifestyle that I have, I would rather keep my goals achievable and practical. Here's to baby steps!
  3. Dancing: I have been learning Bharatnatyam since a year now. Finally, the basics are done and we are moving towards full fledged dance items. And while I continue to learn, I plan to devote a lot more time towards practicing and fine tuning the moves. There is an innate desire to master this and I don't want to spare any effort. I intend to practice at least 4 hours a week (apart from the practice time I already spend at my teacher's institute). And if my teacher thinks me worthy of a stage performance this year, then why not! 
  4. Managing Finances : This has unfortunately been a very neglected area in my life. I started off the year with a very determined mind to make my money work for me. And while I have made some progress, I am aware that there is a lot more to be done in this area. Next few months are going to be critical. 
  5. Charity: I have had ideas around this but haven't had the courage to take the step. I have almost made up my mind on what I intend to do. But let me not divulge any more than this. 
  6. Cooking : Honestly, cooking doesn't come naturally to me. So I have to work really hard to execute a good dish. And while I am able to cook edible food (I hope so?!), I intend to master at least one of my mother's thousands of beautiful recipes. And of course, I will put up the whole recipe for the benefit of the readers. 

That's not it. I have many more goals and dreams to achieve. But not all are worth putting up here right now. The purpose of this post is to make myself accountable for the targets that I am setting. By the end of the year, I will provide an update on what I managed to achieve and where I failed with as much honesty as possible.  

I hope this post inspires you to set sail for your goals. The bad news is time flies, the good news is you are the pilot!  So start now and don't forget to have fun in the process :) 

Thanks for reading.

Follow me on Gudiya Ki Duniya ( for tips on life, love and fitness. 


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