What Women (Don't) Want!

Most men are flummoxed with this question - What do women really want? Do women themselves know what they want?  

To women, the question is strangely simple yet complicated. Let's attempt to instead understand what they DON'T want.... here are some pointers:

  1. Labels: Don't get me wrong. Women love their fashion labels - they woundn't trade their Guccis and Diors for anything in the world☺. But the ones that the society generally put on their heads? Not so much. Bossy, bimbo, sanskaari, trophy wife, loud, bitch, gharelu, gold digger...the list can go on and on. Please understand that your woman can be a combination of all of this or none of this. She is probably too talented to be stuck with one label so please spare her the labels.
  2. Mansplaining: If you are talking to a woman and doing this, you are not only disrespecting her but also giving away an opportunity to learn a thing or two from her... which would be a pity isn't it? If you are wondering, what is mansplaining, here you go - A man explains something (typically to a woman) in a very condescending or patronizing way, assuming she doesn’t know anything about the subject they are speaking on. The reason men mansplain is pretty much the same reason why they don't ask for directions while driving. Don't be that Mr. Know It All.
  3. Diamonds: Women love diamonds and would love it if her man gifted a diamond. But just because you have bought her a diamond would it be fair to assume that she can't buy her own diamonds? Or she can be coaxed into any compromise in a relationship because she has your diamonds? Diamonds or any other form of expensive gifts are at the end of the day just things which don't have any real value. If you want to make your woman happy, sure! please go ahead and buy her the diamonds but also remember that you have not bought her self-respect and her right to stand up for herself! 
  4. Shaming: Like men, woman too poop, fart, shave/wax their body hair, burp, smell after a workout, laugh out loud (really loud!). Men need to get real about women and stop trying to box them in a perfection ki murat and most importantly stop judging and shaming them for being a human. It's the imperfections that make her beautiful.  
  5. 'Help': I have heard this a number of times when men proudly say that they 'help' their partner / wife / mother at home with household chores. Don't say you are helping. This is your responsibility as much as it is hers. The mindset needs to change and so do our textbooks that have taught us since childhood that mom cooks in the kitchen and dad goes to office.    

I dedicate this blog to all the beautiful imperfect women out there. Some of you are fighting like a true warrior, some of you are taking those baby steps in realizing your true potential, some of you are just quietly waiting for the right time to show the world your real worth. Yet some of you are also striving hard for the high standards of perfection that the society expects. I just want to tell you that you do not need to conform to these standards of perfection and beauty. Though if doing this makes YOU feel happy and powerful, go for it! 

Thanks for reading.

Follow me on Gudiya Ki Duniya (gudiyakiduniya8.blogspot.com) for more on life, love and fitness. 


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