Bye Bye Instagram

On June 3, 2023, I deleted my Instagram account. What a terrible waste of time...hard to believe that I wasted so many hours scrolling through that mindless s***. 

As much as I want to, at the moment, I don't know what should be Instagram replaced with. I read, I write, I work out, I do almost everything that I embark upon. Then why did I delete the Gram? I guess I couldn't take it beyond a point. Like others, I am also putting up a face for the people to see. Only the side that they should see. How hypocritical. And also unfair on people. 

But who are these people and why are they even important? 

Its funny how we start attaching excessive value to humans and things that are least important in the real life. As Kendall Roy says in Succession "You have become too much of an online person. You have lost the context". 

So yeah it goes. Goodbye Instagram. And hello to the real world. However, this too is a bit hypocritical of me. I am saying hello to the real world through a blog. But I guess I will blame that on the 21st century. 

But where are the real people? I guess they are around. It will take some time and effort to find these real people. Thankfully family and friends are real. What a relief and Cheers to these real people!

Social media, as they say, was invented to connect people so that at some point in time those people can actually meet in flesh and blood. Hilarious how the invention has gone wrong. How the texts have become more convenient and time saving than actual conversations. But who cares! Mark made a lot of money and inspired so many others to make a lot of money. So there must be something novel about this medium. 

Alright, I am done ranting. Guess these are withdrawal symptoms! 

You guys have fun scrolling the Gram. I am off to explore the story of our evolution in Homo Deus. 


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