A world of Dreams

Are you a dreamer? Do you dream and then dwell on the dreams? Do you remember your dreams? Dreams are as mysterious as the universe. Its surprisingly strange that humanity has not been able to dig deeper into this wealth of intellect. Our dreams are filled with mysteries of the mind that is yet unexplored. In fact, we don’t even know why dreams happen to us at all. 

I have always been a dreamer. I am, sometimes, a lucid dreamer as well. In case you are wondering what a lucid dream is – it is a type of dream in which the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming. I am most times able to remain aware during the dream which is both fascinating and scary. 

However, this blog is not about my lucid dreaming. In this blog, I am going to share a very strange and a very rare phenomenon that I recently experienced. This incident shook me. It made me think that there is so much beyond our awareness that we just don’t know. So many questions that need answers... But first sharing the incident here….

I had a school friend with whom I had lost touch since 4+ years. Our last interaction was in 2019 on Whatsapp when I wished her “Happy Birthday” and she responded with a “Thanks”. After this, I had gotten busy with my life and had pretty much forgotten my friend. She too never reached out. I will also admit that our 2019 conversation was actually a result of prolonged silence and lack of communication between us since the years prior to 2019. It would be fair to say that our friendship had lost its charm and warmth way before this last conversation happened. 

Fast forward to Sep 5, 2023 - On this Monday morning at 7 am, I woke up suddenly from a dream. In my dream, I saw this school friend visiting me and my parents at my house. This was my old house where I stayed during my school days.  I could see in my dream that I was very happy to see her at my home (then home) and so were my parents. I hugged her and bid her goodbye. And that’s it…I woke up at that time and the dream ended. My immediate thought after waking up was that of guilt…guilt of not staying in touch. I immediately picked up my phone and sent her a simple Whatsapp message (at 7 am) asking her how she is doing, etc. At this point in time, I did not tell her that I saw her in my dream. 

She responded to me at around 10:15 am in a usual courteous manner (but without any warmth). I politely asked her if she would like to meet considering it had been ages since we caught up. She again politely and formally responded saying ‘Sure’. Our conversation ended over there and I thought to check up with her during the weekend to coordinate for a meeting. 

Weirdness happened at 1:30 PM- She sent me a Whatsapp message that gave me goosebumps and chills at the same time. She wrote to me that she woke up that morning from a dream where she saw me and my parents at my house! Same day, same morning and same dream! She mentioned that she was intrigued to see my message after years just after she saw me in her dream. It is to be noted that when she sent me this message, she had no idea that I had seen the same dream. Hence there was absolutely no prompt from my side which could have made her unconsciously weave a story.

How was this possible that both of us (who had not been in touch since years) suddenly saw a dream in the same physical setting (my erstwhile home) with the same set of characters (me, My parents and my friend) on the same day! 

Was this a case of us being a part of a shared dream? Probably. Or maybe this was a mere coincidence. My dream concluded at 7 am while hers got concluded at around 10 am. She stays kilometers away from me. We don’t have any common friends who may have prompted us. Then how did this happen? 

This has baffled me. The more I think about this incident, the more I feel helpless. There are frankly no answers available at this point. I have spoken to a few learned and enlightened folks but other than the confusing answers like ‘God’s will’ or ‘a call of higher consciousness’ I am unable to find anything concrete that can quench my thirst for an answer. After speaking to a lot of people and researching on the internet, I also realized that this is a rare phenomenon. 

But why am I experiencing this rarity? What is the meaning of this? My rational thoughts are at loggerheads with my belief in God. 

Search for the answer continues… have you had a similar experience? 

Thanks for reading! Always be brave and kind!

Follow me on Gudiya Ki Duniya (gudiyakiduniya8.blogspot.com) for more on life, love and fitness.


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