
Mind matters

It feels like ages since I wrote though I didn't miss much. Since the time I started writing blogs, it's been clear to me that I will not be writing for the sake of it. I will not write under pressure to create or be around in people's memories. I will write only when I want to write and when I have something to share.    It is perfectly fine if some of you have forgotten me 😀. As I grow old, I am realizing that I care less and less about people's views and opinions of me. Having said that, it doesn't mean that I don't feel hurt. I do. But I guess the maturity is to make ourselves aware of the hurt and then realize that the hurt is only an illusion of mind.  Which brings me to the topic of today's blog - " Mind ".  We have been told that we have a monkey mind (which is not entirely false). However, words matter. 'Monkey' is a negative adjective to describe minds. This needs to change.  Our minds are actually a powerhouse of thoughts. Among

What is the purpose of your life?

Have you ever asked this question to yourself? If you have, congratulations! You are on the path to some very interesting discoveries. However, if you have never bothered about this question and now this blog has created a teeny-tiny curiosity in you, then I will try to help you with some answers.  What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? What are we meant for?  I have pondered over these questions numerous times in my own life and in the process of finding answers, I became a seeker. I read a number of books, scriptures and also discussed this at length with some very learned souls around me. I seem to have finally found the answer. But I do want to specify that this is my conclusion and may not necessarily be yours. I truly believe that knowledge of existence comes to us when we are ready (both mentally and physically). Hence if this blog doesn't strike a chord with you then there could be two reasons - either I have not explained this with words as well enough as I have und

What is success?

I came across a very interesting story today. This is about Dr. Kim Ung-Yong, also known as a 'failed child prodigy'.  As a child, Dr Kim displayed extraordinary capabilities. He was solving complex calculus problems by the age of four and his IQ was an astonishing 210. He got a job in NASA as a researcher when he was all of eight years old. While in NASA, he was making some important contributions.  By all means, Dr Kim was being regarded as the next big name in the world of science. The science fraternity and many in South Korea (home country) were waiting curiously for a big bang discovery from this child genius. He worked in NASA for almost a decade, but then did something that shocked a lot of people.  He quit NASA and went back to Korea. He then enrolled himself in a local university to study civil engineering. Post completing his studies, he did a desk job with a corporation and a number of other such odd jobs. After a number of trials, he decided to become a full-time p

A world of Dreams

Are you a dreamer? Do you dream and then dwell on the dreams? Do you remember your dreams? Dreams are as mysterious as the universe. Its surprisingly strange that humanity has not been able to dig deeper into this wealth of intellect. Our dreams are filled with mysteries of the mind that is yet unexplored. In fact, we don’t even know why dreams happen to us at all.  I have always been a dreamer. I am, sometimes, a lucid dreamer as well. In case you are wondering what a lucid dream is – it is a type of dream in which the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming. I am most times able to remain aware during the dream which is both fascinating and scary.  However, this blog is not about my lucid dreaming. In this blog, I am going to share a very strange and a very rare phenomenon that I recently experienced. This incident shook me. It made me think that there is so much beyond our awareness that we just don’t know. So many questions that need answers... But first sharing the incident h

Are we insignificant?

Astrophysics has both baffled as well enlightened me. We all know that this universe is vast. In fact, vast may not be the right word as vast is measurable. This universe is infinite and ever expanding. We are part of the Milky way galaxy which is not the only one out there. There are countless galaxies like ours. Amazingly, we don't know yet the number of stars and planets in our own galaxy. We know a bit about Sun, our very own star. It is huge. Its diameter is 1.3 million kms and it can house hundreds of earths in its sphere! Thats mind boggling considering we find earth itself so huge. And then there are those millions of galaxies outside of earth and outside of our solar system. The question is what lies there and how far does it go? It is said that space is largely an empty dark matter. Except few incidents of stars collapsing or asteroids moving around when they lose gravitational force, there is not much daily action up there. Stars form and they can take billions of years

Less is More...

Minimalism.... I am sure you have heard this term. Nowadays, some people also call themselves a  Minimalist.  Let's explore this buzzword.  Simply speaking, Minimalism is  owning fewer things . Owning only the stuff that you  actually need.  The overarching idea is "Less is more". When I read about minimalism, I felt a sense of familiarity with this concept and the familiarity comes from my family. My mother has never been a hoarder. Since my childhood, I have been seeing her giving away stuff to people (both out of kindness as well as to de-clutter). I used to fight with my mother for giving away my clothes to people without my permission. The immature me did not realize that had she sought my permission, I would have never allowed to give away that shirt lying in the closet unused since past 3 years! Growing up, when I started living on my own, I realized that my mother's minimalism was not only environment friendly but also a necessity for me.  If you are new to th

Highly Recommended Books (2023)

I started the year 2023 with a resolution that I will go back to doing what I love the most...... Reading . Since the start of the year, I have been on a Readathon . In the last six months, I have  devoured more than 12 books on various genres and I must say, the journey has been nothing but satisfying!  Not all books that I read were worth reading. Some were hits and some were a major miss. But I guess that's what I like about reading, the journey of discovering the hits and misses is more important to me than the end result.  But for you, my readers, I have curated a list of books that I personally found very enjoyable and would strongly recommend that you read them. Amazon links are also shared in case you decide to purchase: How do you Live? by  Genzaburō Yoshino : I wish I had read this book during my formative years. Nevertheless, it's never too late to read and appreciate the beauty and simplicity of this timeless Japanese classic. This book follows the small discoveries